We are experts in a lot of legal areas

We help people in making a legal will

Here are the things that you can expect from our service


Your will is done by Singapore's leading legal experts.

Lifetime Accessibility

You can change your will at any moment to match your current preferences.

Child Support

No matter what happens, your children will be safe.

Security of Your Assets

In just a snap, you can include all of your assets, money, insurance plans, and real estate in one place.

Safety of Your Pets

Your furry buddies will be included in your will, and their new owners will also be included.

Gifts To Anyone

Do you have a particular gift in mind for a loved one? Personal belongings, automobiles, or even cash might be given as a present.

Expertise Advice

Our will writing experts are standing by to address any of your inquiries as soon as possible.


In order to protect your privacy, we encrypt and protect all of your personal information.

Back-up Nominations

For further security, you can choose alternative guardians, executors, and pet takers.

How It Works

It takes only minutes to create a will.

Answer Questions

Take a few minutes to answer a few simple questions.


All you have to do is review and sign a document we provide for you, containing all the information you need.

Save and Access Anytime

Every will and testament is recorded in a single account for a lifetime. It is possible to access and edit your will at any moment.


Those who leave a will appoint an executor, who then goes to court to obtain a ‘Grant of Probate,’ contacts financial institutions to liquidate accounts, and distributes the estate’s assets in accordance with the will.

Your grieving family will be represented by someone else if they don’t have a will. The cooperation of any other parties is required.

They must first make a Schedule of Assets, then apply to the court for a ‘Letter of Administration’, and finally approach financial institutions to divide assets in accordance with the state’s own formula. You and your loved ones don’t have the decision in this matter.

In the event of your death, a will permits you to distribute your assets in accordance with your own desires. In addition, it can help avoid any rifts among your family members over how to divide your assets.

It is also possible that if you have invested a significant amount of time and money in a life insurance plan or a retirement plan that provides death benefits, your money may end up in the hands of the government instead.

Probate is not required if your estate has assets of less than S$50,000. A will may not be necessary if you have no assets to leave behind. There are some circumstances in which a person’s preferences are perfectly aligned with the rule of intestacy and they do not have any minor children.

Your will is legal in Singapore according to the Wills Act when:

  • It has been signed properly by two neutral witnesses.
  • no notarization required
  • no registration required

Once you’ve signed, make sure you save a copy wherever your executor can find it and let them know you’ve done so.

(1) Basic information

The first step is to tell us a little bit about yourself.
It is necessary to include some details about your life and affairs in your will, including the names and addresses of any children or pets you may have.

(2) Guardians for children

You’ll be able to designate guardians here if you have children or pets under the age of 21.

(3) Money distribution to others

You’ll be able to designate how much of your total wealth goes to family, friends, and social issues you care about.

We’ll make the following request:

Primary Beneficiaries (for example, your spouse or partner)
Secondary Beneficiaries (The people who will inherit your estate in the event that you or your primary beneficiaries die first such as children, parents, friends, or other loved ones).

(4) Executors 

One of the most critical aspects of drafting a will is selecting a trusted executor who can guide your estate through the legal and financial maze if the unexpected occurs.

This area allows you to quickly appoint a member of your family, a close friend, or a qualified professional.