Burned Out From Work Stress? Here Are 10 Steps You Need To Make

Singapore has a reputation as a challenging and demanding workplace to go to. Singaporeans need to find their own ways to relax as the city is ranked fourth most overworked in the world after Dubai, Hong Kong, and Kuala Lumpur.

Disengaged workers may not only be less invested in their jobs, but they also may be less effective at their jobs, taking less initiative and producing lower-quality results. The results of this are likely to be a self-perpetuating loop.

If you want to avoid exhaustion and burnout, check out these 10 tips. Some of these are straightforward, some appear to make sense, and still others are so out there that they might actually work.

Actions You Can Take at Your Job

Here are some ideas that could keep you motivated and happy while on the job.

1. Get away from your desk every once in a while

Get up from your desk and move around every once in a while. Stretch your legs, get a drink, or close your eyes. The reasoning for this is straightforward: tackle small things first, then give yourself a break if you start to feel overwhelmed. By taking frequent pauses throughout the day, especially when you feel yourself slipping into inefficiency, you can return to your work with renewed vigor and, who knows, maybe even some creative ideas. If your coworkers aren’t taking a break themselves, you shouldn’t bother them during yours.

2. Prioritize Issues

There is a never-ending list of tasks that must be completed each day. The truth is that not all of them have to be done immediately; put less important activities on hold while you focus on the most pressing ones. You can’t get everything done in one day, every day, therefore you need to learn how to set priorities.

3. Don’t take your spouse to work with you

We are not encouraging you to be unfaithful to your partner. Having a partner in the office can help reduce stress and make work more enjoyable, so don’t write this off as a purely “quirky” idea. Find a reliable coworker who will cover for you, help you out, and fill you in on the latest office drama.

4. Take a break from your desk and have lunch elsewhere

Locking yourself in the workplace to avoid stress could really make things worse. Get out of the office and have lunch with coworkers or friends who happen to be in the area. You’ll be able to return to work with a renewed sense of energy.

5. Take part in office events outside of your regular duties

Participate in extracurriculars such as department-wide initiatives, the running club, or the D&D planning committee. As a result, you get to meet and talk to folks you wouldn’t normally collaborate with elsewhere in the company. Because of this, your professional life will take on a new dimension, as the activities you engage in will also serve as a means of relieving stress.

6. Set aside a few minutes each day for “mini rewards”

Schedule daily breaks in which you can relax with a cup of green tea, a nutritious snack, and a quick read of the news. These breaks will serve as a “mini reward” for a job well done, and you’ll look forward to them every day.

The work you do outside of the workplace is just as significant as the work you do there. Although you may believe that your thoughts would be free of work-related worries once you leave the office, this is not always the case. 

7. Put yourself in an upbeat environment

Negativity and stress can be magnified when you spend time with “complainers” or negative people. It’s easy to let your mind wander from work-related concerns to ones that aren’t even related to your profession. The praise you’re getting at work, the gossip you’re hearing, the promotion you were passed over for, and the bonus you earned that was below the “market rate” are all examples.

8. Organize social gatherings

This will offer you something to anticipate on the weekends and even throughout the week. You will always have something to focus on, no matter how hectic or stressful your life gets. As an added bonus, socializing with loved ones is always a good time, excluding the company of chronic complainers.

9. Treat yourself to some R&R

Give yourself some rest and relaxation. We are not suggesting that you run out and buy a $5,000 handbag or watch. We’re only trying to point out that it’s important to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally, even if you’re trying to save money for the future. Confidence can be boosted by treating yourself to a spa day or new clothes.

10. See if screaming helps

Recall the film in which the leading lady encourages the leading man to vent his frustrations by ranting at a remote location. It may be therapeutic to tell your frustrations into the void (at the top of your lungs). The Fragment Room, Singapore’s first rage room, makes money by letting customers break things while screaming at them. You might also try to find a quiet place (which could be difficult in Singapore) and scream your heart out there.

Take the path that will bring you the most happiness

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list. Instead, you should discover #WhatsYourWhy in order to achieve success in your career and engage in meaningful pursuits.

Pick the one that seems most appealing to you, or use it as a springboard to try something else you’ve always wanted to do. If you’re stuck in a rut at work, it’s better to make a change than to keep going in the same direction.