Legacy Planning in Singapore: When is the Best Time to Plan For Your Family?

In life, uncertainties loom large, and the unexpected can strike at any moment. It is impossible to predict what events or illnesses may  come your way.

In fact, according to the Ministry of Health, “1 in 2 Singaporeans who are healthy at the age of 65 is at risk of having a long-term disability over their lifetime.” 

This sobering reality underscores the necessity of preparing for the unforeseen. But what happens to your family when you are no longer able to provide for them due to illness or untimely demise?

The answer lies in legacy planning.

At its core, legacy planning is about orchestrating the distribution of your hard-earned wealth in accordance with your wishes.This includes carefully recognizing, maintaining, and thoughtful allocation of your assets to ensure the financial security of your loved ones.

Why is legacy planning important?

Legacy planning serves as an important way to safeguard your wealth and ensure that it lasts to support not only your immediate family but also future generations. This is particularly pertinent when you have young children and aspire to provide them with the best possible education to fulfill their dreams and aspirations.

In essence, legacy planning is about strategizing how to preserve your financial resources to benefit your family in the long run.

With proper legacy planning in place, you can rest assured knowing that your wealth will be efficiently transferred to your loved ones in the event of an unforeseen event.

How Life Insurance Helps in Legacy Planning

When it comes to estate planning, life insurance can be a powerful tool to ensure the financial security of your loved ones after you’re gone. But with various types of life insurance available, understanding which option best suits your needs is essential. Here’s a breakdown of how term life insurance and permanent life insurance can be utilized for estate planning, along with when to start considering life insurance in your estate planning journey.

Term Life Insurance for Estate Planning:

Term life insurance provides coverage for a specified period, typically ranging from 10 to 30 years. It pays out a death benefit if you pass away during the policy’s active term. This option is ideal for estate planning if you anticipate needing financial support for your estate until a certain age. You might choose term life insurance if you expect that other sources, such as savings or investments, will cover your final expenses, estate taxes, and any inheritance for your beneficiaries after a specific point in your life.

Term Life insurance can offer a comprehensive solution to simplify legacy planning and provide a financial safety net for your family. This term life insurance plan is designed to protect your legacy by offering coverage for death or terminal illness during the policy term. Moreover, you have the flexibility to enhance your coverage by opting for additional riders such as total permanent disability (TPD) and dread diseases (DD) protection, thus ensuring comprehensive financial security for your loved ones.

Permanent Life Insurance for Estate Planning:

On the other hand, permanent life insurance policies, such as whole life insurance or universal life insurance, offer coverage for your entire life. These policies accumulate a cash value over time and guarantee a death benefit regardless of when you pass away. Choosing permanent life insurance for estate planning ensures that your estate taxes, final expenses, and planned legacy are covered by the life insurance death benefit, regardless of the timing of your death.

When to Start Using Life Insurance in Estate Planning

It’s advisable to start considering life insurance in estate planning once you’ve acquired assets, purchased a home, or started a family. Life insurance premiums are typically lower when you’re younger and healthier, making it more cost-effective to secure coverage early on. As you age, premiums increase, so initiating life insurance planning sooner rather than later is prudent, especially if you intend to use life insurance to support your estate.

Ways to Utilize Life Insurance for Estate Planning:

Life insurance can serve various purposes in estate planning, including covering final expenses, paying off estate taxes, and ensuring an inheritance for your loved ones.

Covering final expenses:

Plan for your life insurance death benefit to cover funeral expenses, outstanding debts, and final income taxes, relieving your family of financial burdens.

Paying for estate taxes:

Use the tax-free death benefit of a life insurance policy to cover any significant estate taxes that may arise.

Equalizing your estate:

If you have multiple heirs, a life insurance payout can help evenly distribute your assets, particularly if you possess assets like real estate or a business that are difficult to divide.

Integrating life insurance into your estate planning strategy can maximize the legacy you leave behind for your family. Whether through term life insurance or permanent life insurance, starting early and understanding the various ways life insurance can be utilized ensures a secure financial future for your loved ones.

Ready to begin?

To get a financial health check and learn how to properly organize your funds, talk to financial advisor right now.

Learn more about: Why  Estate Planning is Important